We jumped on the chance to have IMG perform an audit because our hauler had done nothing but fall short. In just the 10 days of the audit, we had 104 misses portfolio wide. We were only receiving a fraction of what we were paying for, plus paying for overage charges of thousands of dollars per year.
Within the first 30 days of IMG monitoring our portfolio, our misses went from 104 misses to less than 10 in a month. They have been on site at all our properties every night we’re contracted to have a pickup to ensure the containers were serviced. They never miss a beat… or a night… or a trash bin.
Not only did they ensure we were getting what we paid for, we were able to reduce our trash service and save additional money because we didn’t need as much service as the hauler said we did.
We do a deep-dive into your contract to make sure it’s fair and equitable for you. We help you understand the terms and and the implications, so you can make informed decisions.
We perform an initial audit of your trash and recycling service, then follow up with daily monitoring, as we continue maintaining your correct service levels. We document and report any service failures by the haulers, as well.
Whether there are overage guidelines in a franchise or in a contract, we makes sure that the hauler is following, to the letter, the language governing overage charges.
The staff at Cold Creek Holdings were perplexed. They had carefully calculated their hauling needs before signing the contract and were sure they had enough service. But every month they were being hit with overage changes. Thankfully, they decided to call us.
IMG performed a complete audit, checking each of the pickup points on a daily basis over the course of two weeks. The results were stunning. Multiple repeated service failures — bins missed or left out, gates left open, trash left on the ground.
And worse yet, when the hauler remedied their mistakes the following day, they billed it to the client as an overage. When we scrutinized their contract, we actually determined that they had more hauling service than was actually needed — it just wasn’t being performed properly.
Let us help you make sure your getting quality waste management service. Contact us today to get a free consultation.